Saturday, 11 May 2013

Some non-crafty updates

I've been doing lots of gardening recently, the new veggie patch is coming along nicely and this morning my mother-in-law took me to a garden centre to buy some new flowers as she had noticed the flowers in my sandstone trough were looking very sad and past it.

So here's the replacement flowers...

I also got some flowers to fill some of the pots I bought at a flea market last weekend. Got some real bargains :) At one stall I walked away with the two red scheurich pots in the next couple of pics, plus a blue scheurich, a terracotta and a few plastic pots for just €4...

Here's what I bought for the terracotta...

Shown with the meerket Volker bought to guard my garden ;) He hasn't been named yet. My other meerkat is called Aleksander. Suggestions in the comments. I've been eyeing up this flower for ages, really love them. It's a climber so I need to find a permanent spot for it by a wall somewhere.

Next we have the small flower bed at the side of the patio, I planted out sweet peas the other day and this morning bought some small flowers to go in front.

And here are the other pots I got at the flea market, still need to buy something for them. I'm thinking the pretty, shiny one can go in the house. I'm growing some lemongrass from seed at the moment, maybe that can go in there for the bathroom or something...

And the veggies are growing! Onions, carrots, radishes and peas on the left, potatoes on the right, with herbs (chives and my birthday presents - oregano and rosemary) at the front and Lettuce and Kohlrabi in the coldbox.

In that last pic are also a couple of plants donated from Thomas & Christiane, a banana plant and fig tree.

And that's all for now :)